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Default Cooking a brisket in two stages? Even 2 days

In, Evan > wrote:

> Due to the events of the day, I only have 4 hr with the smoker on
> Sunday. But I can put it in the oven Saturday and cook for 6hr or so,
> or Sunday morning. Any thoughts? Doses this have an undesirable
> effect? I have moved it from the oven to the smoker before (shhh
> don't tell any one). But this Sunday, we will have an hr drive from
> my oven to the eating place then will light the smoker, so 2hr from
> oven to heat, so I will either need to let it cool or try to keep it
> hot. Any thoughts?

Your best bet is to smoke it first, and then finish it in the oven. You
can keep it plenty hot by wrapping it in plastic, then foil, and keeping
in an appropriately sized cooler. It will steam itself if you use this
method, so be careful or it will get mushy.

> I have done this with ribs, w/o complaints, Boil, let cool, apply rub,
> let set, then smoke. But a brisket is a bit different. Any thoughts,

Don't boil your ribs. It removes flavor.

....I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...

- The Who