On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 22:32:20 GMT, "King's Crown" >
>>> I really like bisquick pancakes and waffles. The short cake seemed
>>> really dry. I do make drop biscuits and dumplings using Bisquick too.
>>> Anything else I've made with Bisquick has been a bust.
>> LOL! I feel just the opposite, but I guess it depends on the recipe you
>> follow. I find the pancakes and waffles heavy and doughy.
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright *¿*
>I've tried recipes that require whipping and folding in egg whites and I
>just don't like them. I like a pancake I can bite into. My father has
>tried to tell me that I grew up on Krusteaz pancake mix... well if he were
>around then I'd think about. He was off fighting in Vietnam pretty much my
>whole childhood. I think the krusteaz mix is nasty. I tried recently
>Martha Stewart's Best Ever Pancake recipe. Thumbs down by every one here.
I'm with you- I want stick-to-your ribs pancakes with flavor. I
tried making buttermilk pancakes from scratch and they were light and
fluffy. Ewww.
Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!