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Default Cooking a brisket in two stages? Even 2 days

>Evan wrote:
>> Cooking a brisket in two stages? Even 2 days

>Cook it until it's about 90% done, wrap and fridge it. Then cook it
>to the regular temperature the next day. Works great and you won't
>notice a difference.

What the frig are you mumbling about... no one eats rare brisket. DUH

Reg, you've not ever cooked brisket... cooking brisket part way, cooling, and
then continue cooking will ruin it.

Brisket, regardless by which method needs to be cooked well past well done,
until the colagen breaks down and it becomes tender (like pot roast), a
thermometer won't help, ya gotta know how to fork it! Cook brisket until fully
done (fork tender) and tehn later reheat slowly with moist heat. Even a corned
beef brisket needs to be fully cooked all in one fell swoop. Then for delayed
service can be reheated and held with moist heat all day, even much longer...
ain'tcha ever eaten a hot corned beef sammich... prolly not... hey, corned
turkey loaf product don't count... Reg thinks Spam on seeded rye is kosher
deli. <G>

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."