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Default Cooking a brisket in two stages? Even 2 days

PENMART01 wrote:

>>Evan wrote:
>>>Cooking a brisket in two stages? Even 2 days

>>Cook it until it's about 90% done, wrap and fridge it. Then cook it
>>to the regular temperature the next day. Works great and you won't
>>notice a difference.

> What the frig are you mumbling about... no one eats rare brisket. DUH
> Reg, you've not ever cooked brisket... cooking brisket part way, cooling, and
> then continue cooking will ruin it.

Once again penmart sticks his foot deep into his mouth.

The guys was asking about smoking a brisket. You did see that,
didn't you? He's not talking about pot roast.

The normal final internal temperature for smoked brisket is in
the 190-200 F range. To cook a brisket ahead of time, pull it out
of the smoker around 180 F, wrap and fridge it. Cook the next day
to the normal temperature (190-200 F). This works for pork butt as

It's a common technique in restaurants.