Thread: Venison
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Default Venison

"EastneyEnder" > wrote in message
> The Reid wrote:
>> Most of the things I do with venison seem to involve chocolate
>> and a little chilli. Parsnips are often included and sometimes
>> black beans. I have a regular supply of venison sausages which
>> seem to go well with broad beans and some root vegetables.

> Now I do like the sound of parsnips & black beans. Two of my favourites
> and
> I hadn't thought of them, although I often put a can of beans into
> stews...
> black-eyed for preference as they keep their shape and can still be picked
> up for under 50p in some ethnic shops.... sometimes cannelini or
> rose-coco,
> never red kidney beans:- there are just many better beans out there than
> the
> ubiquitous red kidney.
> I wish canned black beans were more common here; I've only ever seen them
> on
> sale once at a Portuguese deli in Brixton. I don't mind cooking them from
> scratch myself, although even the dried ones can be hard to spot
> sometimes,
> but canned are handy and often just as good. I love the richness of colour
> that black beans add to a dish.
> Not sure about the chocolate and chilli though. I have had Hare in
> chocolate
> sauce and wasn't convinced,

Rent the Mexican movie: "Like water for chocolate". It'll put a whole new
spin on your cooking:-)