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Posted to rec.crafts.winemaking
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Default Cranberry wine not!!!

pp wrote:
> You don't need to rehydrate the yeast - for example, kit instructions
> always say to just sprinkle on top. Yeast works better when properly
> rehydrated but it's designed to work okay even if it's used dry.
> Rehydration has some aded risks in that you have to watch the temp
> difference between the rehydrated yeast and the must.
> Pp

Actually, according to one yeast lab anyway, the shock of rehydrating
in cold must is more harmful to the yeast than rehydrating in warm
water and then introducing it to the cold must. The most critical stage
is when the yeast cells are rehydrating.

More of a nit than anything, because I too believe you can be
successful just sprinkling the yeast on the must. There are so many
cells in that package, even losng 25% during rehydration isn't going to
cause much of a problem as long as proper nutrients are present.

I'm even going to take it a step farther next year and intentionally
under pitch at least a test batch.
