Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:
> > When rushed and hungry, (generally at work when it's busy), what types
> > of foods can or do you eat right out of the can, cold?
> >
> > Canned cream soups
> > Spinach
> > Cut green beans
> > Asparagus spears
> > Baby corns
> > Black Olives
> > Green Olives
> > Any other canned veggie depending on my mood.
> >
> > Canned beans are out tho'. Those have GOT to be warmed up!
> Stewed tomatoes. They rarely make it to a dish.
> --
>, updated 12-13-05 - RIP, Gerri
Hold that thought. If wanting quick and easy, but still heated, take
those stewed, or chopped, canned tomatoes, canned beans (any red,
pinto, white, navy), some chopped onions and herbs if you wish, and
mixed with leftover rice. That can become beans & rice, or jambalaya,
without the hours'-long preparaton those recipes normally call for.
OK, then add some chopped ham or chicken or pork leftovers. OK, I'm
digressing from the thread.