mmm.... rare prime rib...
zenit wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 08:16:19 -0400, Bob Pastorio >
> had to open a new box of zerones to say
>>Phred wrote:
>>>On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 19:21:33 -0400, Bob Pastorio >
>>>Where the hell is your restaurant? After hearing these descriptions I
>>>have got to try it! Good God, those dishes sound fantastic!
>>Thanks, Phred. Nowadays, I only cook at home or for the very rare
>>catering or demonstration. Finally got out of the restaurant business.
>>Last couple gigs were to rescue country clubs that had gone astray.
>>Six or eight months and out.
> In your travels, did you by chance run into Jimmy Snead...? He had a
> place called Windows in a remote little town in Va. for awhile, and
> then he partnered with the late Jean-Louis Palladin to operate the
> Frog and the Redneck restaurant in Richmond...
Sure. Met him a few years back. His first operation was down by the
coast. The "F&R" restaurant name was considered cheekily scandalous
out here in the boonies. Sneed did some great stuff, essentially going
backward from trends, as I recall. He simplified his offerings to the
point that the essential flavors of the foods came through.
I'll see if any of my pro foodie folks have a line on him. When he
closed the place, he seems to have disappeared. Shame. He's unique.
Very smart guy with a clear sense of what he was doing.