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Ron Hunter
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Axel Kurth wrote:

> Simone Kerby wrote:
>>In general, which offers a more healthy diet?
>>Americans tend toward fast foods, either take-out
>>or home cooking that does not take too much time
>>to prepare.
>>In Europe, people still spend hours over a hot stove.
>>People still stop at the market on the way home from
>>work instead of weekly or monthly shopping as in
>>North America.
>>What are your favorite American dishes?
>>What are your favorite European dishes?
>>What are your thoughts on the difference in these 2
>>styles of cuisine?

> now if you ask me, there is no difference between american or european
> food, I have had great meals in either place many times. if the cook
> is crap the food is crap in either location, if you like food
> which tastes better after you ate it (Mc.. B...K.. etc) than you can
> get that also on both sides of the big water.
> what realy is the difference is the way and what they eat in the US
> junk food fast food which feeds you on a fast road to the grave
> that makes the obesety and unhelthiness you see so much in the US

Not everyone in the US eats that way, nor does anyone force you to eat a
burger and fries. I suggest that in any large US city you can find food
to match, or beat, anything available in Europe, or anywhere in the
world. You just have to find it, and be willing to pay for it. I
suspect that the effects of a good brat sandwich in Germany is as least
as detrimental to your health as a burger and fries at a US Burger King.
And if obesity is so rampant in the US, then our lifespan would reflect
it, but this is simply not the case.
Nutritionists will tell you that you will live longer if you maintain a
diet just short of starvation, but who would WANT to live 100 years on
the edge of starvation?