Severus Est wrote:
> "Simone Kerby" > wrote in message news:<4046C770.6723.1DCF0FD@localhost>...
>>In general, which offers a more healthy diet?
> The keyword is general here.
>>Americans tend toward fast foods, either take-out
>>or home cooking that does not take too much time
>>to prepare.
>>In Europe, people still spend hours over a hot stove.
> Think so? Not really... Some do, many don't.. and certainly not a
> "stove". of course, there's a difference bewteen people living in the
> country or the more urban areas, but in general the pciture you try to
> paint is certainly not the norm. Ever been to Europe? It's a
> continent, not a country. Many habits, many peoples.
>>People still stop at the market on the way home from
>>work instead of weekly or monthly shopping as in
>>North America.
> Again, not really... Most people go to the supermarket once or twice a
> week.
>>What are your favorite American dishes?
> Can't think of anything in particular.
>>What are your favorite European dishes?
> Fries.
>>What are your thoughts on the difference in these 2
>>styles of cuisine?
> Portions in Europe are more humane.
The main difference I saw in Europe from what I see here is that there
foods are prepared fresh 'from scratch' while here the emphasis is on
speed and convenience. The processing of dining in Europe is a much
more leisurely process. On the plus side, the chicken you eat may have
been running around in the back yard of the restaurant when you ordered
it... In the US the emphasis is on large restaurants, often chains,
where you can expect similar quality at each place, no matter where in
the country you go. In Europe, the restaurant is usually a family
enterprise, with empahsis on personal service, quality food, and
personal attention to preparation of fresh ingredients. To get that
quality in the US, one must pay large bills.