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Default If you love Christmas, thank a Pagan

Bob Myers wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> >
> > kevnbro wrote:
> >
> > > >The Pagans I've encountered are just about the stupidest persons I've

> ever known...they fall into the "New Age" category and IMNSHO that should
> re - named the "Moron" category...
> > >
> > > Yet another fine example of "believe what I believe or you're a
> > > moron/evil/unpatriotic/going to hell/immoral/unethical/a liberal/a
> > > terrorst etc. etc. etc. etc. insert self-rightious accusation here".

> >
> >
> > Yet you cannot refute the veracity of what I said - go ahead, TRY...

> Without knowing those specific "pagans" you have encountered,
> it's obviously impossible to refute the statement. However, as
> given here, with the apparent implication that - based on whoever
> or whatever it is you've "encountered" - all pagans are proven to
> be "stupid," is itself pretty nonsensical.

Considering *all* those who subscribe to any god centered religion are
morons, then ergo, all pagans are morons too. All one can argue is
degree... like Pagans I don't think are as much blind faith adherents
than say RCs... like yoose gotta be purty high up there in moronicville
to be masturbating a friggin' string of beads everytime you fart... and
then to plant a damn urinal in your front yard containing a woman who
you swear birthed some no account ******* and then claim she's never
been ****ed... well Jeeze, yoose failed Bio 101. Yoose gonna tell me
dago morons don't live there. And what do you call a billion
uneducated towelheads who'll blow themselves up for some fercocktah
ghost no one has ever seen. I got yer allah, in a pig's ass.