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Dee Randall
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Default Microwave without Carousel?

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> The Ranger > wrote:
>>> After a decade of daily use, my GE convection-microwave crapped
>>> out. We're looking for another to take its place. In hitting the
>>> different appliance stores and local dept. stores, all we saw were
>>> vent/exhaust-microwaves and carousel microwaves. Do they no longer
>>> make non-carousel microwaves? If so, is there one that's durable
>>> enough for daily use like models or yore?
>>> Many thanks for any leads.
>>> The Ranger

>> You WANT the carousel!!! :-)
>> It keeps you from having to turn stuff half-way thru microwaving.
>> Things cook a lot more evenly.
>> Cheers!!!

> Not if you need to use a rectangular pan that doesn't "fit" and you can
> turn
> it yourself. I am perfectly capable of turning a pan myself. I do it all
> the time in my regular "irregular" apartment oven. No need to have
> special
> skills to turn a dish around in a microwave
> Jill

I wish my microwave were at straight-out-arms-length. It's too high to
reach up and turn easily. I need special arms that not only bend at the
elbow, but bend between the elbow and wrist.
Dee Dee