Microwave without Carousel?
jmcquown wrote:
> The Ranger wrote:
> > After a decade of daily use, my GE convection-microwave crapped
> > out. We're looking for another to take its place. In hitting the
> > different appliance stores and local dept. stores, all we saw were
> > vent/exhaust-microwaves and carousel microwaves. Do they no longer
> > make non-carousel microwaves? If so, is there one that's durable
> > enough for daily use like models or yore?
> >
> > Many thanks for any leads.
> >
> > The Ranger
> The inexpensive microwave I bought 10 years ago has a carousel and no OFF
> switch, which bugs the heck out of me. It can easily fit a 9X13 baking dish
> but you can't turn off the turntable so the baking dish is of no use in it.
Most times the carosel lifts right out.