On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 21:43:01 -0800, The Ranger
> wrote:
>After a decade of daily use, my GE convection-microwave crapped
>out. We're looking for another to take its place. In hitting the
>different appliance stores and local dept. stores, all we saw were
>vent/exhaust-microwaves and carousel microwaves. Do they no longer
>make non-carousel microwaves? If so, is there one that's durable
>enough for daily use like models or yore?
>Many thanks for any leads.
>The Ranger
If you are replacing it with a convection-microwave, I recommend the
Panasonic. I have had mine well over a year now and so far it is
flawless. I cannot say that about the two Sharps C/M ovens that
preceded it (ptui. pieces of crap).
It microwave beautifully, but more than that, it bakes well enough for
fine loaves of bread and truly functions as a 2nd oven.
I paid less than you see on this site, got it with free shipping and
some great discount at Amazon, too, but that does not seem available
right now. It was way cheaper that way than getting it locally.
Many ovens come with a option to turn off the turntable these days,
which allows use of large rectangular pans.