Shipping wine?
I only make it home about once a year most times(going to try for twice next
year, but one time I'll be flying, so won't be able to bring any wine
gback). Everyone in my family is a wine drinker to some extent, so with
this new hobby, I'm going to try to bring back wines for each of them that
they may or may not like. But with allt he variety I've made, I'll only be
bringing a bottle or two ofeach type of wine at most per person. So if they
find any they particularly like, I'm trying to figure out if there's some
way for me to shipthem more of it in the interim between my visits, or if I
just have to wait until next time I see them. I'd haev to be shipping from
OK to IL. I'd guess it's probably easiest to shipa whole case, but I don't
know anything on legality(I'll look into that myself, though any tips would
be appreciated), best shipping company, packaging, etc. Any help on this
would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to tell me that shipping
tends to be outweighed by the risks, and just to wait.