Shipping wine?
I've shipped gift wine from boston to san fran w/o any probs via us mail. I
do use a ton of bubble wrap plus packing peanuts and wadded up newspaper in
a sturdy (not shoebox) box. try to pack it so yr bottle(s) are centered
within the box and are tightly surrounded to prevent shifting in case the
box gets drop-kicked. hope this helps...
"Bailey, Joan and Dan" > wrote in message
> My friend use to purchase wine while visiting countries all over the
> world. He would
> invariably place labels on the boxes in big letters the word "vinegar".
> Some of it turned
> out to be just that, but most was superb.
> > wrote in message news:UIepf.3348$Ou3.356@dukeread09...
>>I only make it home about once a year most times(going to try for twice
>>next year, but one time I'll be flying, so won't be able to bring any wine
>>gback). Everyone in my family is a wine drinker to some extent, so with
>>this new hobby, I'm going to try to bring back wines for each of them that
>>they may or may not like. But with allt he variety I've made, I'll only
>>be bringing a bottle or two ofeach type of wine at most per person. So if
>>they find any they particularly like, I'm trying to figure out if there's
>>some way for me to shipthem more of it in the interim between my visits,
>>or if I just have to wait until next time I see them. I'd haev to be
>>shipping from OK to IL. I'd guess it's probably easiest to shipa whole
>>case, but I don't know anything on legality(I'll look into that myself,
>>though any tips would be appreciated), best shipping company, packaging,
>>etc. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to
>>tell me that shipping tends to be outweighed by the risks, and just to
>> Joel