Shipping wine?
My brother has successfully shipped wine 2 out of three years to us (Florida
to Wisconsin). I think he sent us some last year, but something happened to
it, because it never got here. But that doesn't surprise me, the way he
ships it - no bubble wrap, no nothing, just 4 bottles in a box which can
only hold 4 bottles and a little cardboard between them.... I have yet to
try shipping wine, just because my luck as it would never get there.
Darlene ;o)
> wrote in message news:UIepf.3348$Ou3.356@dukeread09...
>I only make it home about once a year most times(going to try for twice
>next year, but one time I'll be flying, so won't be able to bring any wine
>gback). Everyone in my family is a wine drinker to some extent, so with
>this new hobby, I'm going to try to bring back wines for each of them that
>they may or may not like. But with allt he variety I've made, I'll only be
>bringing a bottle or two ofeach type of wine at most per person. So if
>they find any they particularly like, I'm trying to figure out if there's
>some way for me to shipthem more of it in the interim between my visits, or
>if I just have to wait until next time I see them. I'd haev to be shipping
>from OK to IL. I'd guess it's probably easiest to shipa whole case, but I
>don't know anything on legality(I'll look into that myself, though any tips
>would be appreciated), best shipping company, packaging, etc. Any help on
>this would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to tell me that
>shipping tends to be outweighed by the risks, and just to wait.
> Joel