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Default Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Yule Be Sorry

In article >,
>Ubiquitous wrote:

>>>GO HAM!!!!!!

>> I just _loved_ how she put a menorah next to the ham on that table.

>She didn't... tell me you're fibbin'? Please? Oh god.

One of many...

Once she made a "Hannuka cake" by stuffing marshmallows in the center
and covering it over with baby blue tinted canned frosting.

She once refered to a buddah statue she used in her tablescape as "My
Buddah; She's Faux".


Use of these recipes may be hazardous to your health, food budget,
standing in your community and liver function. Use at your own risk!! We
assume no liability from any illness or injury sustained while eating the
"food" or being exposed to crapass tablescapes. And no, we're not sure
where she grew up either. The Cordon Bleu disavows any knowlege of Miss