NightMist wrote:
> Hi there!
> I am venturing in here with a question because I have been informed
> that it is the place to go for intelligent answers about candy making.
> My experience with chocolate is somewhat limited to dipping centers or
> adorning pastries, and really that is all I need to do. Yes I temper
> it, otherwise it would get a blush and not be pretty. 
> What I need are candy bars, mine have gone missing. How is quite
> beyond me. I was going to make some fondant and when I went to get
> them they were not there.
> I have looked at a couple of dozen candy making sites, I have found
> one place that has them custom made and sells them for $75 for a set
> of four (
> Surely there are some out there somewhere other than these?
> Mine were about half the size of the custom ones (10" long), and I had
> a round dozen. They were very handy, especially when making things
> like candy canes.
> I'm going to start looking at metal supply places soon. I could get a
> local guy to make some out of plain steel, but that would be a bit of
> a pain maintainence-wise.
> Barbara
I'm assuming you are talking about what is sometimes called "caramel
rulers"? A set of bars to hold the edges of a poured slab of candy? They are
expensive everywhere. You can check JB Prince, but I doubt they'll be
cheaper. (That's why I don't own any! <G>)
An alternative you might want to consider, depending on what you are doing,
is a jelly roll pan lined with a silipat.