Grilling live dungeness crab?
"aem" > wrote in message
> It won't be alive by the time you put it on the grill. Nor do you need
> to freeze it. Here's what you do: hold the claws of one side in your
> left hand and pull off the top shell; grasp the other half of the crab
> with your right hand and break the crab in half. It's now dead.
I know this is going to sound incredibly stupid, but what do you pull the
shell off *with*? I've never cooked crab from fresh, but I've seen plenty of
them squirming around at the fishmarket in Cardiff, and the top shell seems
pretty firmly attached to the bottom shell. There doesn't seem to be a gap
where I could insert the fingernails, and pull ...?
(who is not squeamish about killing, but dislikes unnecessary pain in the