Life of oil
"Rick Mintz" > wrote in message
> Hello all.
> A friend gave me her extra deep fryer. I don't deep fry very often.
> I wondering...
> (1) how long the oil can be kept without refrigeration? (it is a pain to
> drain & clean)
> (2) the preferred type of oil to use?
> Rick
You know I have to agree with the previous poster. I have kept a deep fryer
for about 18 years that belonged to my MIL. Just a couple months ago I
decided to fill it up and use it. Glug glug glug went the oil. I make real
fried chicken about 2 times a year and thought I'll deep fry it. It didn't
taste as good as doing it in a pan. I don't know what the difference is,
but it just didn't. Then I decided since I have it filled up and ready to
go I made Rosettes from my childhood. Another thing I'd been keeping around
for 18 years the Rosette irons. They weren't as yummy as I remembered.
Then I had this huge vat of oil I didn't know what to do with. I wasn't
going to use it any time soon. I didn't want to pour it down the drain. I
didn't have anything big enough to pour it into like an empty oil bottle it
still had good cooking oil in it. I finally just threw the whole thing away
thinking "who am I kidding I'm just not a deep fryer and never will be."