Thread: Life of oil
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Default Life of oil


The family and I deep fry a turkey once ore twice a year and then are
left with a couple of gallons of peanut oil after use. We just let it
cool and pour it back into the gallon containers it came in. Put it in
the fruit celler and use it later. I have oil that was used last summer
and would have no problem with using a portion of it today, only
problem is Im not that found of the taste of peanut oil. I would use
solid shortning as it will harden after each use. If your deep fryer
has a lid, put it on, otherwise take one or two of the plastic grocery
bags and wrap and tie around the entire unit(after it cools of course
and the shortning has hardened). The shorting will be solid so you wont
have to worry about spillage.

