Req: Source for carbon steel knives
Kent wrote:
> Sheldon, do you use the Peasant Chef's Knife from Lee Valley?
> If it is a good knife, it is a real find!
No, I don't have one but as I said in a later post if not for the fact
I already have too many knives I'd probably order one, mostly because
it is very good price and Lee Valley is an excellent company to do
business with, if you don't like something just return it. Also the OP
wanted a Canadian company, Lee Valley is that too. I have quite a few
knives I purchased from Lee Valley, about 5-6 years ago they were
marketing a trainload of old warehoused hand forged cutlery at
excellent prices, I must have a half dozen pieces, a 12" carbon steel
chefs knife is one of my favorites. If I remember correctly the
original verson of the peasants knife I just posted was sold back then,
but with the plain wood handle. Carbon steel knives are not for
pretty, they're for sharp... once you use one you won't ever want to
use stainless again. Why do yoose think they don't make woodworking
cutting tools from stainless...