If you love Christmas, thank a Pagan
In article ews.net>,
"Shaun aRe" > wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> oups.com...
> >
> > GQ wrote:
> >
> > > On 17 Dec 2005 09:03:28 -0800, "Gregory Morrow"
> > > > wrote:
> > >
> > > >The Pagans I've encountered are just about the stupidest persons I've
> > > >ever known...they fall into the "New Age" category and IMNSHO that
> > > >should re - named the "Moron" category...
> > >
> > > Unfortuately that seems to be the case for a goodly portion of them
> > > but there are true Pagans that people would not even know because they
> > > just live their lives without belittling others and without bothering
> > > others.
> >
> >
> > All too true. Virtually every pagan I've encountered has to make a big
> > deal out of their beliefs, how "enlightened" they are and such. Not to
> > mention all the claptrapped baggage that they carry around, e.g. "re -
> > birthing", healing crystals, "past lives", how "everything that has
> > existed since the beginning of time exists in me", how their souls all
> > emanated from Alpha Centauri or wherever...I mean why not just smoke a
> > joint and eat a big box of Ding - Dongs and mellow out, it's a LOT more
> > productive use of yer time.
> >
> > Come to think they are no different than the hysterical adherents of
> > most of other belief systems...they just stick out more I guess for
> > their sheer ridiculousness.
> >
> > A truly "spiritual" person should be so secure in their beliefs that
> > they should not have to inflict their beliefs on others or be yammering
> > on about it. No different than being an ex -smoker, a vegan, a
> > Republican, or an ex - alky, if you are secure there is no need to be
> > constantly bringng the subject up and berating others...
> >
> > In the long run Pagans and their ilk are harmless bOObs - at least they
> > aren't dangerous motherf*cking Muslims....
> You seem to be mistaking 'pagans' with those who have merely hijacked,
> assumed the title, much as so many have done the same with the title
> 'Christian' and yet cannot hold to the very core basics of that religion's
> teachings. IOW, those you refer to, are *in no way pagans*.
> Shaun aRe - No more that I'm a fish.
Too damn true.
One of the FIRST things I was taught by my HPS was that it's against the
rules to proselatize. (or however the hell you spell that) Those who are
looking must be taught, but otherwise, keep yer trap shut!
No recruiting. It's against what few rules there are. ;-)
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson