The Unbitchy Meaning Behind It All ( was If you love Christmas, thank a Pagan)
Spitzmaus wrote:
> Sheldon Candycane sez:
> > Your rheteric is much too reminescent of CHRISTmasy... who do you think
> > you're fooling with that sneak in the back door claptrap. It's the
> > friggin' DISHONESTY of it all that's offensive, and you're simply
> > adding more disingenuous fuel to the yule log. You need a new script
> > that doesn't reek like a Hallmark card. Perhaps if yoose self
> > rightious religeous fanatics actually practiced Peace all year instead
> > of just talking about it (lip service) with your honkytonk carnival
> > ritualistic kewpie doll displays and commercializing it to death for
> > one day. Yoose religious nuts talk a good Peace but each and every one
> > of yoose is a violent scourge on this planet. Religion is the
> > antithesis of Peace. Only when all religion is erradicated can there
> > be Peace. Religion is no less violent a concept than the rape of small
> > children, in fact that's what catholicism is based in, with that
> > friggin' jesus ******* the worst child molester the planet has ever
> > seen. Wtf do yoose think that santa garbage is all about.. hey kid,
> > c'mere and sit on my lap, want a toy you gotta do good... right! And
> > then uncle Spitzmaus gets his little niece to sit in his lap and play
> > with his toy... and he does tickle-tickle back... hehehe, hohoho
> >
> > You know you wanna do her. (Ya think???)
> >
> > Sheldon Candycane
> Sheldon, darlin', don't get your undies in a bunch. I'm an ex-hippy who
> espouses no religion whatsoever, save perhaps science. That said, I
> experience lapses of reason in which I'm guileless enough to wish for peace
> on earth; then reality kicks in and I lose the Rebecca of Sunnybrook
> Farm/Shirley Temple persona as quickly as I donned it. Allow me to dream
> once in awhile . . .
> Oh, and please get my gender right; I'm not a man, baby.
Uh - oh, if you aren't careful you'll find Sheldon sneeking a peek up
yer pantaloons...