Need salty soup help!
JeanineAlyse wrote:
> [snip] .... Over he came, with half a
> dozen large red rose potatoes. As he entereed my kitchen he snatched
> my microplane out of it's cubby. Voila! The spuds were quickly
> washed, quartered lengthwise, sliced quite thin and submerged into the
> soup pot, from which he also snatched out a good bit to have for his
> lunch tomorrow.
Presumably you then removed and discarded the potatoes hoping they had
absorbed some of the excess salt. I'd be interested in whether you
think this actually worked, as I've previously seen both this tip and
debunkings of it. Dilution with additional liquid is the only thing
I've ever found that works, and that obviously can't be used in many
cases. -aem