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Default Need salty soup help!<--no more

aem wrote:
> JeanineAlyse wrote:
> > [snip] .... Over he came, with half a dozen large red rose potatoes....snip

> Presumably you then removed and discarded the potatoes hoping they had
> absorbed some of the excess salt. I'd be interested in whether you
> think this actually worked, as I've previously seen both this tip and
> debunkings of it. Dilution with additional liquid is the only thing
> I've ever found that works, and that obviously can't be used in many
> cases. -aem

No, the potatoes were the perfect addition to this too salthy soup,
along with just another quart of plain water, which the then too thick
soup faired well with. So, plain water and lots of fresh potato slices
did exactly what was needed. The Marines were happy that there was
more than I'd intended, so they ordered me to refrigerate the last
third of it there, for tomorrow's "seconds" that already have names
assigned to them.
