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Elaine Parrish
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Default Caramelizing sugar -- can it be done without a fire extinguisher/chisel?

On 20 Dec 2005, Karen MacInerney wrote:

> First, happy holidays, everyone! Thanks for all the recipes, tips, and
> -- most of all -- the extra helpings of humor on the side. Whenever I
> feel the need to snort some coffee (or whatever it is I'm drinking)
> through my nose, I know right where to go.
> Now, for the problem at hand...
> For years, all of my attempts to caramelize sugar have ended up in a
> sticky, granular mess, often accompanied by a piquant scorched aroma.
> The last time I tried it was about two years ago; my husband came
> rushing into the kitchen with a fire extinguisher, and I won't tell you
> how long it took to scrape/sand it all out of the pot.
> I've learned a quick and easy 'cheat' with flan that I love -- I press
> brown sugar into the bottoms of the ramekins before pouring in the
> custard -- but I've got another recipe I'm planning to try where that
> just won't work.
> Any tips? I'm not too excited at the prospect of another bout with the
> steel wool. Or the fire department, for that matter.
> Thanks! And remember... the key to holiday survival is to breathe...
> and eat lots and lots of fudge.
> Karen MacInerney
> Kitchen experimenter, family chauffeur, and culinary mystery author

Check out I don't know if you get the channel, Food
Network, or not, but Alton Brown has a show called "Good Eats". His web
site might have the step-by-step instructions.

They run his sugar carmelizing and candy show every few months. The candy
show should be on around this time.

He talked all about what could go wrong and why and how to avoid it.

I know this isn't the help you needed, but it seems to be a matter of
technique more than anything else and that takes analyzing each step - and

I only tried it a few times (without success) long ago. So, I haven't
mastered it. But the show was great.

Elaine, too