The Unbitchy Meaning Behind It All ( was If you love Christmas, thank a Pagan)
"Spitzmaus" > wrote in message
. ..
> Shaun aRe sez:
> > What, but SCREW OVER women, children and animals?!? *******!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Shaun aRe
> I know, I know; it's ugly out there for us girls. And here we thought
> had a women's revolution back in the 60s . . .
Hey - it ain't too pretty for us men either!
> Spitz, who *didn't* burn her bra
Yaknow, there's a lot that was dumb about the 60's women's movement (as
there are about a lot of 'movements' anyway) and that held a lot of things
back. Makes me wonder how many feisty feminists with more drive than
gumption ended up the ER rooms, having 'You were supposed to REMOVE it
FIRST!' screamed at them as they had burn ointment applied liberally...
Shaun aRe - (I gave up questioning how my mind works a long time ago.)