chicken fried steak
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Wayne Boatwright
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chicken fried steak
(ConnieG999) wrote in
> "jmcquown" > writes:
>>Although, if you make the milk gravy thin
>>enough you can then pop the battered steaks in an iron skillet and
>>pour the gravy over and heat it through rather than just spoon it over
>>the top.
> But then it's not CHICKEN FRIED steak - it's smothered steak or
> something. Chicken Fried Steak is never cooked in the gravy like that.
> Connie
One of my aunts always prepared it that way...fried first (the way I like
it), then put on a deep platter and the milk gravy poured over. I always
asked for some pieces to be reserved for me before the final act. <G>
Everyone else in our family served it witht eh gravy on the side. My aunt
still called it Chicken Fried Steak.
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