My local tea shoppe has various CO2 decafs of Indian and Ceylon teas.
My wife occasionally likes a decaf in the evening. I've tasted them
and I think a bit understated but still with characteristic flavor.
I've never came across a commercial decaf I liked. My evening tea is
cooked pu. I drink it right after supper or with a bedtime snack. It
will settle the stomach so that isn't a sleeping problem. I drink
strong pu but a little goes a long way. A 1/2 gram would make a good
cup. I just don't experience the caffeine effects like I do with a
breakfast tea. I wouldn't drink any tea on an empty stomach in the
evening. A weak cup of good tea taste better than a cup of bad decaf
tea. Take a pinch of your normal tea amount and drink it off the top.
I like this approach better than tossing the first infusion. Along
that line don't be afraid to double or triple up the decaf tea amount.
You'll get a strong flavor but at least caffeine free. If I were
drinking a decaf it wouldn't be something I'd otherwise be drinking on
a frequent basis. You can also find a good tasting tisane you like and
add just enough tea for the smell and not the taste. Make a cup of
chai with more masala and less tea. I think a reduced caffeine intake
in the evening is a better approach than caffeine free.
Melinda wrote:
> I would like to hear people's recommendations for decaf black teas (assams,
> ceylons, etc.). I am currently drinking Upton's decaf black (the English
> Breakfast actually) when I have to, and it's...acceptable (not nearly as bad
> as some gnarly tasting stuff I got from a local store) but decaf can all too
> easily slip into that "funny-tasting" realm. So is anyone out there an
> expert? 
> I realize there are different ways to decaf and I look for the CO2 decaf
> teas, also I know one can decaf by doing a presteep but it hardly seems to
> work with a black tea, especially a BOP or something. Black teas tend to not
> have as much mileage in them (good darjeelings excepted, but they I don't
> usually drink those with milk and sugar).
> This is just for the evenings when I want a black tea but can't do the
> caffeine.
> Melinda
> Prince John: Poor John. Who says poor John? Don't everybody sob at once!
> My God, if I went up in flames there's not a living soul who'd pee on me to
> put the fire out!
> Prince Richard:: Let's strike a flint and see.
> -Lion in Winter