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Default If you love Christmas, thank a Pagan

In article >,
Pan Ohco > wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 00:33:57 GMT, GQ wrote:
> >>>The facts are that Pagans were using the Yule tree long before your
> >>>religion took it over.

> >>Gq that was a Yule and was burned. There is some debate ,as to when
> >>(before A.D. or not) this practice started. And in some scandinavian
> >>countries a fir tree was brought into the home as a symbol of
> >>continuing life, again debate as to when this practice started.
> >>I never heard the story about Martin Luther starting the Christmas
> >>tree custom, a germanic custom.

> >
> >What you are thinking about is the Yle Log and not the tree and the
> >Yule tree still came from the Pagans and not Martin Luther at all.

> GQ Please reread my above message.
> Notice that I agree with you about the Martin Luther statement.
> Also notice that there,I said there is some debate about the timing of
> the beginning of the pagan yule tradition.
> I believe that there is a similarities in the celebrations.
> Now as to your definite statement that the custom of Christmas tree
> absolutely comes from a Pagan ritual, prove it.

Here's a start:

Google for "origins of the Christmas tree".

It sure as heck isn't from any "Christian" origin. ;-)


"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson