Bert Grant's
Latosha Washington wrote:
> Anyone know the latest on this brew house?
> I heard it's closed and sold the
> name, but I just bough a six pack and it still says Yakima Brewery, Yakima,
> Wa.
That's because that's the last of their stock that was brewed at the
Yakima brewery.
Yakima Brewing isn't closed, but the brewery is. The clowns who have
run the company into the ground are now running Yakima Brewing as a
contract-brewing company, and are not revealing who is brewing for them.
> What gives?
> This is the best. Not sure how they f*cked it up.
They f*cked it up by being dishonest idiots. Sad, really. Ol'
Bert Grant has probably worn grooves into his coffin.