Sloopy wrote:
> In article >,
> "Paolo Pizzi" > wrote:
>>Ron Hunter wrote:
>>>Somehow, I expect that you would get the same response
>>>from anyone from any other country in the world. Ethnocentrism.
>>Nothing to do with ethnicentrism. The US is a socially backward
>>country. That's pretty much the opinion of the REST OF THE
>>WORLD, you know, those 5 billion people right-wingers like you
>>usually choose to IGNORE.
> That's why our entertainment is voraciously consumed worldwide and more
> people want to immigrate to the United States than any other country in
> the world...even Paolo couldn't wait to live in this great country.
> I can guarantee you I'd never move to Italy!
> -Sloopy
The facts (immigration rates) speak for themselves. If it is do bad
here, how come so many people are risking their lives, or imprisonment,
to GET here? And I don't ignore the rest of the world. There are a lot
of places I would love to visit (New Zealand, Australia, England, and
others) IF I had the money to enjoy the visit.