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Default Salting eggplant? [Was: Eggplant Parmigiana]

"Phred" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> In article >, "Pandora"
> > wrote:
>>"Phred" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> In article >, NickC
>>> > wrote:
>>>>"int19h" > wrote in
>>>>> I know all this in theory only, I haven't the patience for
>>>>> preparing eggplant in any way other than slicing into wedges then
>>>>> tossing into a deep fry!
>>>>Stephanie Alexander has a great method for quickly drawing the
>>>>bitterness out, no patience needed.
>>> But the point where this started is that modern cultivars don't seem
>>> to possess that "bitterness", so there's no need to salt them to draw
>>> it out. According to other comments seen around here recently,
>>> salting simply to draw out excess water seems to be the basis for
>>> continuing the practice these days.

>>You are right. Eggplants that you buy don't need to be salted: they aren't
>>bitter as the eggplants that you plant in your vegetables garden.

> G'day Pandora,

G'day to you, Phred
> Mate of mine has a grafted eggplant in his yard. It's a purple type
> and not bitter at all. I'm not sure what it's grafted onto (I think
> it's probably the same Solanaceous weed often used for grafting
> tomatoes around here to resist root diseases*) but the expectation is
> that the plant will be quite long lived. It has an excellent crop
> ripening on it now (mid summer here) and had a previous good crop back
> in September (our spring). I can't say if it had a crop before that
> too, but it's certainly looking very healthy at the moment! :-)

Wonderful!!!!! I didn't know all these tips. We haven't ever grafted
eggplant. But if you say that it is a good thing I believe in you!

Thank you very much! I will print the notes!

Merry Christmas and
a Happy New year