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Bill Benzel
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Default BJ's and Pizza

In Scott Kaczorowski > wrote:
:> Only when you stop snivelling/whinging/whining about In 'N
:> Out Burger.
: It's just not a great burger. It just isn't. And I STILL
: don't understand how the burger can be the subject of legend,
: but the flacid and undercooked fries are on the verge of
: being pointless.

Next time you get dragged to an In 'N Out against your will ask them to
make your burger "animal style." It's an improvement.

The fries are definitely not worth touching. The buns are not great

But if I'm being dragged to a fast food parlor I's still prefer to be
dragged to an In 'N Out than a Jack, McD, BK or Wendy's. I'll kick and
scream bloody murder before you get me across the threshold of those

I may have to go to a Jack this year, order three combos and throw them
in the trash. I want the balls.

reply to bbenzel adelphia net