Spring Roll Question
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 18:33:22 GMT, "P.Aitken" > wrote:
>>Steve Wertz wrote:
>>>There are two types of 'plum sauce, one is just sweet hoisin sauce
>>>(you'd be able to taste the mustiness of the black beans), and
>>>then there's the yellowish-oranges sweet sauce made from apricot
>>>or plum preserves, with sugar, vinegar, hot pepper flakes (the
>>>Americanized version).
>>Hoisin sauce does not contain black beans.
> Yes, it does. Fermented soybeans. AKA: Asian Black Beans.
> -sw
I see that you are correct. I did not know that there was such as thing
as black soy beans! They are one of my favorite ingredients.
Peter Aitken