BJ's and Pizza
In Lew Bryson > wrote:
: "Bill Benzel" > wrote in message news:43ac5c28$0$8452
:> In Lew Bryson > wrote:
:> : "Bill Benzel" > wrote in message news:43ac14da$0$8468
:> :> I may have to go to a Jack this year, order three combos and throw them
:> :> in the trash. I want the balls.
:> :
:> : Y'know, you might wanna think about what that looks like to the rest of
:> us.
:> Lew, is there no Jack In The Box advertising in the East???
: If there weren't no movies and TV-vision, or e.coli infections, we wouldn't
: never have heard of Jack in the Box. But don't yew feel bad fer us'ns. Yew
: got Yuengling out by yew? No, but yew done heard of it, ain't yew? Durn
: right. That's cuz Yuengling is real quality. Now that I eddicated yew-all,
: I'm gonna go back to rockin' my chair and smokin' my corncob, by crackee.
Ah dew recall when Ah thunk Yuengling Porter was one of the best
'Merikkin beers I ever had. That wuz right about the time Ah discovered
a place called Khyber Pass down on Two Street -- the bartender at
lunchtime was a dude name o' Chris and he dun turned me on to that there
Eye Pee Ay from Yards -- he 'splayned it wuz dry-hopped in the keg and
told me Ah had to come back every day cuz it wuz a'changin' right there
in the keg and would smell and taste even better tomorrow.
reply to bbenzel adelphia net