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  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
Paolo Pizzi
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Dave Smith wrote:

> There is indeed a lot of old art in Italy. Most of it predates the
> country of Italy itself. There is more to the world of art than the
> old masterpieces of past generations. If they had to rely on their
> contemporary contributions to the world of art they would be lost.

Once again Dave, that's your ignorance speaking. Come one,
you shouldn't be ashamed of being a cultural troglodyte, but
you see, when you claim that Italy has no world-reknown artists
today, you only prove that you know absolutely NOTHING
about art... You can tell us what is "art" for you, come on, we
already know... Let me see: going to the "nudie bar", drinking gallons
of beer, watching football on tv, belching/farting loudly and making
fun of gays and minorities. Right?

>> Easy to explain why you prefer fast food to fine Italian dining.

> Wow. There is a leap in logic.

Really? Didn't you say that Italian food sucks?
Once again, as you have proven you know nothing about art,
you have also proven you know nothing about good food.
Relax, the two often go together...

> Maybe some day I will find an
> Italian restaurant that offers something other than various shapes
> of pasta served with some variation of a tomato sauce.

Thank you for yet again proving us how completely ignorant you
are about fine cuisine. People like you deserve the Olive Garden...