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Elaine Parrish
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Default potato salad done!

On Sat, 24 Dec 2005, Chris wrote:

> "sarah bennett" > wrote in message
> om...
> > Every damn year, I do the same thing. I forget that I need a little bit
> > more than one container of miracle whip and have to go out to get more.
> > What annoyed me even more this year was that my potatoes went off and I
> > had already went up to the store to get more. With a three year old in
> > tow, the corner grocery store is a daunting task, especially without a
> > cart( the place was packed). I'm not peeling another damn potato till
> > Easter

> I feel for you. I had a 40-minute wait in line today at a store, and I just
> kept praying my thanks that I had the 8-year-old with me, and not the
> 2-year-old. In your position, I probably would have passed on the trip to
> the store and just used fewer potatoes. (Or I would've committed the
> ultimate heresy and added a tiny bit of mayo or sour cream to make up for
> the missing MW). You're a better woman than I am.
> Chris

hehe. I'm with you, Chris. I would have been cheating big time if I had
only needed a little. In addition to mayo or sour cream.. ... thinned the
MW with milk. ... added Ranch or Coleslaw (comes mayo based in a
bottle) dressing. ...made a little mayo with eggs and oil. I absolutely
hate having to run to the store at the last minute during the holidays. It
not only stresses me out, it just seems to totally ruin my schedule.

Elaine, too