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Paolo Pizzi
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Dave Smith wrote:

> A cultural troglodyte might be better associated with the sort of
> stereotyping that you are trying.

A cultural troglodyte is a racist like you who has a deep
hatred for a country that gave SO MUCH to western
civilization and to the building of the modern US.

> And where did I say there were *no* world renowned artists?

Hmm, let me see, maybe this?

> If they had to rely on their contemporary contributions to
> the world of art they would be lost.

> .... I disputed you claim that Italy holds 80% of the world's
> art treasures.

But that's because, like I said, you are indeed a cultural
troglodyte and you can't even understand your own
language. I said that Italy has 80% of the artistic treasures
produced by the *western civilization.* Prove me wrong,
if you can...

>> Really? Didn't you say that Italian food sucks?

> No.

Really? It seems you're flip-flopping just for the sake of
displaying all your hatred for Italians... Remind me, who
wrote this?

"I have been to Italy. I not impressed. There is some nice
scenery, but the food was very expensive and disappointing"

> I said "Maybe some day I will find an Italian restaurant that
> offers something other than various shapes of pasta served
> with some variation of a tomato sauce."

But that's because, once again, you are a cultural troglodyte
and you believe that the Olive Garden is actually Italian food.
Not to mention you have no idea a typical Italian meal is made
of three courses. You mean all they get is three different types
of pasta? ;-) You have been to Italy, right? ;-) (Yeah, right...)

>> Once again, as you have proven you know nothing about art,
>> you have also proven you know nothing about good food.
>> Relax, the two often go together...

> I know nothing about art? You know nothing about me.

I only know you by what you say and you said this:

> If they had to rely on their contemporary contributions to
> the world of art they would be lost.

So, obviously you don't know anything about modern art,
if you believe that there are no world-class Italian artists
in the world... You mean it was just racist BS? Come on,
you can say it...

> I probably know more about art than you do.

That's juvenile BS, let's just ignore it because it would
further qualifies for the cultural troglodyte you are.

> My knowledge of art extends beyond the
> religiously inspired renaissance art of the former Italian city
> states.

If you really knew something about renaissance art and if you
were able to actually appreciate it, you wouldn't claim that
there is nothing interesting to see in Italy. You see, you keep
contradicting yourself...

>> Thank you for yet again proving us how completely ignorant you
>> are about fine cuisine. People like you deserve the Olive Garden...

> And to think that I visited Italian to sample some of the alleged fine
> cuisine only to find that it offers the same limited fare that I can
> get in an Italian pasta joint here.

Once again, you're only showing your embarrassing lack of culture.
I'd say you've never even been to Italy, or else you wouldn't make
such ridiculous claims.