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Default Tell me about REFRIED BEANS

>(Derek N.P.F. Juhl)

>"Tex Mexican >...
>> Frijole's Refritas means beans now fried.

>N.b. The correct spelling = frijoles refritos, which is masculine
>In my opinion, the most accurate translation would be "thoroughly
>fried beans." See the second definition below, indicating a large
>amount of frying.
>Refrito, ta: adj. Refried (frito de nuevo). Over fried (demasiado
>frito). Fig. and fam., Rehash: Esta obra de teatro es un refrito,
>this play is a rehash. (Larousse "DICCIONARIO MODERNO: español-inglés
>Derek Juhl

I've been told that in Mexican Spanish the idiomatic preface "re" means "extra
good" or "special"... obviously refried beans are not fried twice. There is no
word "refrito" in Castillion Spanish.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
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