potato salad done!
Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Dec 2005 08:02:01 -0600, Elaine Parrish >
> wrote:
>>Do y'all peel the potatoes for potato salad before you cook them
>>or after you cook them?
> Before on this end. We use russets, and that would make a hideous
> mess of the cooking water.
> Mom always cooked her red potatoes along wtih the hard boiled eggs.
> Then she'd slide the skins off of the potatoes. Wish I had the
> confidence to boil eggs and potatoes together and have the eggs turn
> out right.
I frequently do that when I am already boiling something else. The first
time I did it was because all of the burners were in use and I thought
why not put the eggs into a pot that already had boiling water. Just
remember how long you normally boil eggs and note the time.
Try leaving the skins on when using red potatoes. Potato salad looks
good (and you get all the fiber and other goodies) with the skins left on.
> Russets soak up more flavor than the reds. And they don't require
> much chewing because of their tendency to get a little fluffy.
> Holiday Hugs,
> Carol