Diabolik wrote:
> "Orion" > wrote in message
> news:33u2c.33365$qL1.18850@fed1read02...
>>>>>>Nothing to do with ethnicentrism. The US is a socially backward
>>>>>>country. That's pretty much the opinion of the REST OF THE
>>>>>>WORLD, you know, those 5 billion people right-wingers like you
>>>>>>usually choose to IGNORE.
>>>>>The US can be accused of a lot of things, but being socially
> backward
>>>>>is not one of them.
>>>>Any industrialized country without a national health system is
>>>>socially backward.
>>>...and free education.
>>>If you're born poor in the US, your chances are next to zero to getting
> an
>>>education and living a high quality life.
>>You should tell that to my daughter. I didn't have money to give her to
> go
>>to college. Or to buy her a car. Guess what, she worked and got there
>>herself. She did qualify for financial aide, but instead she put herself
>>through college. Now she's a highly qualified and caring teacher.
> Good for her.
> Your daughter had to work VERY hard for it, and be very intelligent.
> For the rich it's different. They can be dumb and still afford to go to
> college.
> That's the difference, it's an unequal system.
> That's why education should be free and equal for everyone.
It can't be 'equal', because some are just smarter, more talented, and
more dedicated than others.