"Ron Hunter" > wrote in message
> Diabolik wrote:
> > "Orion" > wrote in message
> > news:33u2c.33365$qL1.18850@fed1read02...
> >
> >>>>>>Nothing to do with ethnicentrism. The US is a socially backward
> >>>>>>country. That's pretty much the opinion of the REST OF THE
> >>>>>>WORLD, you know, those 5 billion people right-wingers like you
> >>>>>>usually choose to IGNORE.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>The US can be accused of a lot of things, but being socially
> >
> > backward
> >
> >>>>>is not one of them.
> >>>>
> >>>>Any industrialized country without a national health system is
> >>>>socially backward.
> >>>
> >>>...and free education.
> >>>
> >>>If you're born poor in the US, your chances are next to zero to getting
> >
> > an
> >
> >>>education and living a high quality life.
> >>>
> >>
> >>You should tell that to my daughter. I didn't have money to give her to
> >
> > go
> >
> >>to college. Or to buy her a car. Guess what, she worked and got there
> >>herself. She did qualify for financial aide, but instead she put
> >>through college. Now she's a highly qualified and caring teacher.
> >>
> >>Suzan
> >
> >
> > Good for her.
> >
> > Your daughter had to work VERY hard for it, and be very intelligent.
> >
> > For the rich it's different. They can be dumb and still afford to go to
> > college.
> >
> > That's the difference, it's an unequal system.
> > That's why education should be free and equal for everyone.
> >
> >
> It can't be 'equal', because some are just smarter, more talented, and
> more dedicated than others.
I'm not referring to equality in intelligence, but affordability.
Many intelligent people from a poor background will never make it to college
because they can't afford it.
Look at Suzan's daughter. She had to work very hard to make it because she
couldn't afford it.
If Suzan had a lot of money, she wouldn't have had this problem.