Beef roasting time
Mark Shaw > wrote:
> I have a 7 lb 10 oz standing rib roast (bone-in) which I intend
> to roast to an internal temperature of 118F in a 200F oven. After
> carryover takes it to 130F, it'll go back in at 500F for about 10
> minutes for crusting.
> How long should I anticipate it would take to achieve those
> temperature targets?
Results: it took about 4 1/2 hours to come up to 118F, and
another hour for carryover to take it to 128F. I actually
left in in the hot oven for 15 minutes, and after a brief
rest it carved out to a very nice medium-rare.
So: about 45 min/lb for the initial roasting and carryover.
This was with the convection option.
Tip: if any of your guests prefer their beef medium, you
can bring it up easily and safely by heating their slices
gently in a skillet on a bed of lettuce. (Naturally, if
anyone requests well-done, you should just send them out
for hamburgers.)
Mark Shaw
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