Kentucky Burgoo
Kentucky Burgoo
2-3 lbs (900-1350 g) beef, pork, lamb, veal, or turkey,
trimmed and cut into 1-inch (3 cm) pieces
16 cups (4 L) beef stock, chicken stock, or water
2-3 lbs (900-1350 g) chicken pieces
3-4 potatoes, diced
2-3 bell peppers (capsicums), cored, seeded, and chopped
2-3 carrots, chopped
2-3 ribs celery including leaves, chopped
1-2 onions, chopped
2-3 cups (500-750 ml) canned tomatoes, drained and
coarsely chopped
1-2 cups (250-500 ml) fresh or frozen lima beans
1-2 cups (250-500 ml) chopped fresh or frozen okra
2 bay (laurel) leaves
1 Tbs (15 ml) Worcestershire sauce
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1-2 cups (250-500 ml) fresh or frozen corn kernels
Chopped fresh parsley for garnish (optional)
Combine the beef and stock in a large heavy pot and bring to a boil
over high heat. Reduce the heat, skim off any scum on the surface of
the liquid, and simmer covered for 1 1/2 hours. Add the chicken and
simmer covered until the meat falls off the bones, about 1 hour. Add
the vegetables (except the corn), bay leaves, Worcestershire sauce,
salt, and pepper and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 45
minutes. Add the corn about 10 minutes before serving, and serve
garnished with chopped parsley if desired. Serves 8 to 12.
Traditional versions of this hodgepodge include chicken, beef, pork,
mutton, and even squirrel. Burgoo (with the stress on the first
syllable) is often made in giant iron cauldrons over open fires, and
some heirloom recipes are intended to serve hundreds of hungry diners.
Use whatever meats and vegetables you have on hand in this simplified
Bon appetit from the Chef at World Wide Recipes