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Default Where to buy USDA Prime?

It may depend on where you live. Around here some small farmers -
retired or with other jobs - raise a handful of cattle to feed
themselves and a few friends and sell for a little extra cash. We found
the one who supplies us by calling around local custom butchers to ask
if they knew any sources for custom or organic beef.

It's a trade-off. The fellow who supplies our beef doesn't have all the
special certifications so we have to take his word on how he feeds and
treats his animals. He says it's the way his Dad used to feed prime
beef for sale, and the taste says he's doing something right! He
doesn't advertise, so he and others like him are hard to find. And we
have to keep a freezer and accept a quarter at a time, all cuts.
Certified advertised specialty beef producers let you pick individual
cuts when you want them and make custom orders, but they charge 2-10
times grocery store prices, counting shipping. We pay about the same as
we used to pay at the store for much better beef. For us, this really
