Moron Wislon is wrong again, on both counts.
Deep fat frying is ONLY done outside on the side burner of my weber.
No odors, fire danger, or oil splatters in the kitchen.
OPD is not "Overfill Protection Device", it is Overfill Prevention
Device. Know what the acronym is before using it.
Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Dec 2005 23:33:34 GMT, Dave >
> wrote:
> >pumpkin wrote:
> >> I'm hoping that somebody can help me out here. I bought a new
> >> CharBroil Advantage Series gas grill from Lowe's as a Christmas gift
> >> for my mother. The grill in question is 45,000 BTUs and has three
> >> burners, plus a side burner/griddle.
> >>
> >> Last night, I spent six hours assembling the grill and then went out
> >> and bought a 20lb. canister of propane today. Hooked up the propane as
> >> per the instructions and did the leak check. We then proceeded to try
> >> to ignite the grill.
> >>
> >> Long story short, the three burners will not ignite. The electrode
> >> does spark, and appears to be properly aligned with one of the
> >> portholes in the burner.
> >>
> >> At first, we assumed there was something wrong with the connection
> >> between the propane canister and the regulator. However, when we tried
> >> lighting the burner - which runs off an extension of the main propane
> >> line/pipe - it lights up just fine. We also tried lighting the grill
> >> using the match method and did not get any results.
> >>
> >> At this point, I am baffled. I don't see how the side burner could be
> >> lighting, yet the main burners won't light. The propane must travel
> >> through the same line that feeds the main burners in order to get to
> >> the side burner.
> >>
> >> I'm hoping that there are some experienced grillers and/or grill
> >> assembers out there. I spent more than $300 on this grill and I'm
> >> heading back home (8 hours away) tomorrow. I hate the idea of spending
> >> that kind of money only to leave my mother with a giant paperweight.
> >> Char-Broil's customer service number has been useless thus far.
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >with out knowing all the details of that grill, Do you need to hold down
> >the gas knobs when lighting? my grill has a deep fat fryer instead of a
> >side burner and to light it I have to hold the knob down while pressing
> >the ignitor. Just a thought
> A gas grill with a deep-fat fryer? Yikes. Sounds like a recipe for
> disaster.
> To the OP:
> I thought at first that your problem has something to do with the
> overfill protection device (OPD) on the tanks, but I can't figure out
> how one burner would light but not the others. Anyway, try this:
> Message-ID: >
> Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 15:03:38 -0400
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> Subject: New LP Tank Problem
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> Dave Skipper wrote:
> > Pardon my ignorance as I'm seeking experts here for a quick solution to
> > my problem. My new upgraded LP tank us not exiting gas at the rate it
> > should be, thus, I'm not getting high heat.
> >
> > I know there is a valve or something to tinker with. Any helpers?
> > FAQ'S somewhere?
> >
> > I do own a charcoal grill too. I like having both ; )
> >
> >If you mean an OPD equipped tank, try this:
> Turn every valve off starting at the end of the line and work your way
> back to the tank. Open the tank valve slowly. Then open the valves you
> need open from the closest to the tank to the ones furthest away.
> It works for me:-)
> Matthew