Jeffray Wazoo wrote:
> I got a couple of cases of Miller Lite tall-boys (canned) that are from
> 1997. I don't know if they were stored in a cool dark place and avoided
> sunlight (hope so, though) or not. I opened one and it tased kind of
> strong (skunk?). What I really want to know is if these are "safe" to
> drink (I realze they won't taste like recenly brewed beer). Somebody
> help me out here. Thanx in advance...
If you were able to drink seven year old ML and have to ask if it's
still good... The only help I can offer is Walter Reid Hospital (the
military one in Washington D.C.) may have transplant surgery for folks
who's taste buds were shot off in the war.
I doubt that slugs in the garden or fraternity pledges would drink
that... Pour it down a storm drain!
-bill davidsen )
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me